Summer Sucks III- Ho Hum…Or Not: Salad (Dressings)

As I've mentioned before, my family gets sick of salad pretty quickly during the summer. We don't mind eating it as a side dish fairly often but eating it as the main course has to be resorted to sparingly. I try to make it interesting by laying out a salad bar with lots of toppings … Continue reading Summer Sucks III- Ho Hum…Or Not: Salad (Dressings)

Summer Sucks II- Frozen Bananas: SO Many Uses!

*I have decided that instead of trudging through my least favorite season here on this blog, attempting to adapt some of my recipes to summer cooking, I would just embrace the fact that Summer sucks and start a series of the same name. You can find the first recipe in this series (Strawberry Soup), here. … Continue reading Summer Sucks II- Frozen Bananas: SO Many Uses!