Winter Getting You Down? I Have the Answer!- Lemonies

My goodness gracious; it's cold! That's true for just about everywhere in America right now, but it goes double for the Northern Plains where I'm at. Everywhere I go there's talk of wishing for summer and lamenting how crazy cold it is. I can understand why they feel that way; not everyone dislikes summer like … Continue reading Winter Getting You Down? I Have the Answer!- Lemonies

Honey to the Rescue!- Honey Pecan Pie

As you know, I much prefer to use real food ("whole", "natural", etc) ingredients when I cook and bake. I try to stay away from processed foods as much as I can, but sometimes the classics are based on foods that are not really good for you. Take pecan pie, for example. One of the … Continue reading Honey to the Rescue!- Honey Pecan Pie